Friday, April 11, 2008

As the World Turns...I keep on truckin'

Hey Guys!
Long time no blog...but i've been busy living my life like it's golden! I've had some papers to complete, finished my spring cleaning, and created a Flickr account.
Today It was a GORGEOUS day in San Francisco. I went around the city and took some pictures.
Follow these links to view the photos...

Besides becoming a amature photographer, the olympic torch passed through San Francisco a few days ago. It was crazy! I was going to go down and watch everything but I saw on the news that the Free Tibet protesters blocked off some streets and made it way to crowded for the torch runner to pass through without incident. So the mayor changed it's route, taking it through downtown SF.

People from far and wide were all out of sorts because they are stupid! They knew they safety risks and that the protesters would stir up a commotion, so clearly the police would change the torch route....anyways why couldn't the Tibetans protest 5 years ago when China was chosen for the 2008 Olympics? China has been treating the Tibetans wrong for a while now...why make a fuss months before the Olympics where everything is all built and ready? They must be smoking dope!

But enough of my rants...Happy Weekend!

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